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Farewell, farewell, thou setting sun!
I love thy gentle ray,
Thus brightening, when thy task is done,
The dying day's decay;
It seems the pardoning smile of Heaven
O'er errors past and sins forgiven.


'Twas 'neath such glowing skies as this,
In fancy's high-wrought hour,
That first the living soul of song
O'erwhelmed me with its power;
Aye, from thy ray was drawn the fire
That lit my heart's funereal pyre.
O, many a change since then has past
Across this wayward heart;
Then I could almost weep to see
Thy gentle light depart;
But now I love thy fading ray,
For with it sinks another day.
Farewell, farewell, thou setting sun!
Thy last faint smile is gone;
Thou goest to make another clime
A bright and smiling dawn.
But ah! too soon thy morning beam
Will wake me from soft slumber's dream.
Farewell, farewell, thou setting sun!
I will not thus complain,
What though thy dawning light will wake
My heart to thoughts of pain?
Will it not wake my spirit, too?
Are there no duties left to do?
Farewell, farewell, thou setting sun!
I love thy gentle ray,


When thus calm feelings can look back
Upon a well-spent day,
And bid me seek new strength from Him
Before whose brow thy light is dim.