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Wanted: one or two girls to share
summer apt. in Stone Harbor, New
Jersey. Call 296-4008 for
particulars. *(4262)

Married graduate couple will
house/pet sit New York area in
June. References available. Call
977-7146. *(4541)

Two fall roommates wanted to
share 2 bedroom University Towne
Apt. 5 minutes from Cabell.
$5-man. Call Don 295-9748.

Cottage in country wanted 73-74
session by 2 responsible teachers.
295-6923. *(4569)

2 BR apt. in NYC East Side.
June-August. Call Kathia, 977-1083
or Beky 977-0521. 5-7 p.m.

Female roommate for summer;
furnished apartment, excellent
location behind Law School,
$50/month, 977-3835. *(4492)

Needed: 1 or 2 summer roommates
for 2-bedroom apartment. 2 blocks
from U., A/C, cable. $35/mo. or
less. 977-0842. *(4500)

Wanted: Male for fourth place in
two bedroom apartment, beginning
September. Contact Lamont Wade
295-8400. *(4509)

Girl needed to share apt. near
Pentagon for summer. Cindy
977-4524. *(4524)

Wanted: 2 male roommates to share
3 BR apt. at Hearthwood.
$60/month/man Call 977-3278.

Summer Farm work mostly driving
tractor and mowing pasture. $2.25
per hour. Write starting
qualifications to J.B. Munay P.O.
Box 125, Earlysville Va. 22936.

2 Female roommates to share
Cheap. furnished summer sublet.
A/C. Corner location. Appx,
expenses $45/mo/person, utilities
included. 295-8393/295-8348.

Wanted: for apartment, used
furniture, especially beds; table and
chairs Nancy or Loz, 977-2784.

Roommate wanted to share 2
bedroom apartment at Jefferson
Towne for '73-'74, $65/month. Call
973-8691 after 5. *(4449)

Wanted, lacrosse equipment.
Helmet, gloves, pads for player over
6'3". Call 977-2731. *(4478)

Wanted 1 or 2 female roommates
for house this summer. $80 for
whole summer. 296-4542. *(4451)

Two male roommates wanted for
1973-74 school session. 2
bedrooms, kitchen, bath, furnished,
on Rugby Road. $52.35 per month,
plus utilities. Call 295-6801
anytime. *(4455)

Need ride to West Coast anytime
after 5/27. Must be in Seattle by
6/11. Will share expenses. Call Jeff
977-0403. Soon! *(4468)

Male roomate wanted to share 4
bdrm apt. For '73-'74 term. Call A1,
295-8306. *(4488)

French girl, teacher, English
speaking, 22, wants mother's helper
position July, August. Call Mike
977-146 evenings. *(4437)

Wanted: Male roommate to share
furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath apt,
this summer AC, pool, cable, all
utilities. Preston Square. 977-8061.

Summer help wanted in Ocean
City, Md. Hostesses, waitresses,
outdoor unskilled construction
workers, sales personnel, hotel
help, bartenders pool help, and
100's more. Stop in or call Job
Bank 103 N. Ist St. Ocean City.
Md. 301-289-JOBS.

Wanted: female to share 2 bdrm,
furnished apt. June 1 - Sept. 1.
Own room. Montebello Circle. $50.
295-9015. *(4292)

Male roommate wanted to share 2
bedroom apt for summer.
Convenient location behind law
school, partially turn. G Neal.
296-2459 (3268) or Wm. MacGuire
296-2441. *(4556)