University of Virginia Library


Female roommate June 1 – share
attractively furnished apartments –
$5/month – within walking
distance, call 293-3193. *(3960)

Wanted - 2 people to share
bedroom in large mobile home. a/c,
wash/dry, $62.50 includes all
utilities. 296-5265. *(3969)

Madison Hall needs a Publicity
Coordinator, with some experience
in photography, journalism,
radio-television communications,
and group speaking. Relatively
independent position requiring
creativity and ability to
communicate with and coordinate
group action. Full time, or a
student position requiring at least 6
hours a day, Monday through
Friday. Salaried, 10 month job,
beginning in August. Call Rick
Noble: 977-7051. *(3967)

Graduate student couple for
summer on Cape Cod. Call
973-5884 between 3 and 5 p.m.