University of Virginia Library


Pinto owners 4 wheels and tires
used. 6:00-13 $50 or offer

Motorcycle Accessories: full-size
helmet, rain cover, saddle bags,
metric wrenches and sockets 316
Ceteure. 295-8005.

For Sale—Ladies 10-speed bicycle.
$85. Less than year old. 295-2896.

Dynaco: Pas-2x Re-amp and
35-watt RMS Amp—will sell
together or apart. Excellent
condition 823-5661.

3 new 3-speed bicycles.
Demonstrator models, including
Raleigh, below wholesale costs. Call
Philip 293-6608 or Mark 296-4249.
Keep trying.

Complete professional Darkroom
for sale. Beseler 45-L enlarger, dry
mounting press, etc. Call Philip
Howard, nights, 293-6608—or leave
note in law school.