University of Virginia Library

Good Beginning

The Wahoos first regatta was in
Poros, the home of the Naval
Academy's Greek Nationals and
youth teams. Despite unfamiliar
shells and rough water, Virginia
won the four oared event and
placed second in the eight
competition. In the eight oared
event the Virginians lost to the
Greek's top squad by only a length
but made an impressive three length
victory over the Greek second
team. Virginia's pair with coxswain
team of "Munchkin" Strong, Russel
and Dan Howard was edged out by
less than a length to mark their
only defeat while in Greece.

The most spectacular
performance of the trip came in
Poros when the four man shell of
Strong, Binder, Walker, Tisdale, and
Smith pulled off a big upset beating
probably the best four the Greeks