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Informal Lounge. Instruction at 5
p.m., rehearsal at 10 p.m.

The Absurdity of studying foreign
languages, 7 p.m. South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall

PK - GERMAN Dance Society
Meeting, 7 P.M. Room 4A,
Newcomb Hall, all interested
students invited.

ELECTIONS Committee meeting, 6
p.m. Fourth Floor Newcomb Hall.

"DIAGNOSIS of Malfunctions in
High Speed Rotating Machinery,"
Mr. Rently, Room 126, Aero-Mech.
Bldg. 4 p.m.

IFC all kitchen managers, 3:25, IFC

Student Council OPEN meeting,
7:00 P.M. Honor Comm. Rm, N.H.

"The Absurdity of Studying
Foreign Languages" 7 p.m., So.
Meeting Rm., N.H.


Va. Progressive Party Convention, 8
p.m. So. Meeting Rm. All welcome.

OUTING CLUB meeting at 7:30
P.M., 4B, Newcomb.

Prospective Physics Majors meet in
Rm. 204 Physics Bldg. 4 p.m.

IFC - all treasurers meet at 3:30 in
IFC offices.

IFC - all Social Chairmen - 2:00 -
So. Meeting Rm.

"Dynamical Effects of Cosmic Rays
in Interstellar Space." Gilmer 2

TILKA meeting - Kappa Sig House -
8 p.m.


If God wanted us to wear a path in
the grass - He'd have created

Want an interesting, paying,
business job? Contact CD about
Business Staff openings. 924-3365
or 4-3367.

Request Forms for Va. State
Teachers Scholarship/Loans
('71-'72) and summer term ('71),
for students who do not now hold
these - avail. Rm. 208, Peabody
Hall Annex.

Jefferson Party will hold a
Convention Wed. (31st) at 8 P.M.
to nominate candidates for Student
Council. Judiciary and Party
Officers. All members must have
paid membership fee 2 days before

Pi Chapter of Theta Tau Social
Engineering Frat. is pleased to
announce the pledging of Tom
Bracke. Jay Brawner, Mike Cathell,
Greg Hudson, Doug Kelly, Jeff
Maher, Bob Metager, Patrick
Murphy, Gib Sce, Len Smith, Bob
Twilley and Ralph L. Volk.

Students desiring Air Force ROTC
2 year Program - apply at Varsity
Halt now.

Attention U. Gardens: If you don't
like making U-Turns call Hunter
Daughtrey, Bldg. F-4, 295-1867.

Would residents of each bldg. in
married student Housing elect a
representative, (an inform, procedure) Any
questions call - Bill Carpenter
296-2168 or 295-1885. Elected
Representatives leave name and
address with B. Carpenter.


Black leather motorcycle jacket in
Squash Court, no names, $20.
Reward 5-6431.

Lost my dark brown fur coat IFC
Saturday night at Kappa Sigma. If
found please call Terry Jasperson


Simee Ct - Lile Dorm, 2nd floor -
Call 295-0270 and claim by