University of Virginia Library


Room - 1½ miles - Kitchen avail. -
$35 per mo. Got to get rid of it.
Call 296-2517 or 924-2982 and ask
for Charlie Sherwood.

Wanted: Roommate to share 2
bdrm. furn. apt. 1 min. from Cabell
Hall. $75 a mo. Lease runs to June
5th, Call 295-7084.

Girl Wanted - FREE single room to
cook and share expenses with 2
male students. Your won rm. free.
Call 293-4993 anytime.

Sublet for Sem. — One bdrm.,
completely furn. cottage. Incl.
Heat. Dairy Rd. $70 mo. 295-9965.

FOR RENT: Room 10 min. from
University at 323 14th St. Available
immediately Call 973-6542.

DORM ROOM avail. in renowned
"Bathtub Suite" Contact Mark or
Bob at 296-9885.

Wanted: 1 or 2 Female roommates
to share two bedroom apt. Cavalier
Court $55 mo. or haggle. Call
296-4024 or 295-0358. Mike

Modern Dairy Farm for lease —
Milking Parlor, loafing shed, with
stalls. 215 A. rich crop and pasture
land. Watered by run and streams. 4
bdrm. house 16 ml. north of C-ville,
Greene Co. For info. Call
(Hemlock) 439-3851.

Wanted: 3rd roommate to take over
lease of 1800 Jefferson Park Ave.
Easy walking distance from U. Call
Mike or Wayne, 296-5936.