University of Virginia Library



Student Education Assoc. Meeting
at 4:30 P.M. in Room 4B of
Newcomb Hall, everyone interested
is welcome.

Ski Team Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in
Room 4C

Student ACLU to meet - Room 4A
of Newcomb Hall at 7:00 P.M.

SENIOR CLASS gift Committee
will meet in Newcomb Hall
Conference Room. All degree
candidates welcome - 7:30 P.M.

YR Board Meeting in Room 4B of
Newcomb Hall at 9:00 P.M. All
interested, please attend.

ALL Speakers of Portuguese are
invited to a "bate-papo", 7:30 P.M.
at 610 Locust Avenue. Call

University Union Thursday Film
Series presents "Lion's Love" in
Newcomb Hall B

University Union Thursday Film
Series presents "Lion's Love" in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom at 7:00
and 9:30 P.M. Entrance .75 cents.

Computer Users Group - Lecture on
sorting and merging on the B5500
at 5 P.M. in Gilmer Hall B-23.

CHESS CLUB - The 30-30
tournament continues at P.M.
in Newcomb Hall Basement.

2:00 P.M. in room AM 200.

IFC - Crucial meeting of
Presidents' Council at 3:30 P.M. in
IFC office.

ATTN. AED Members - Monthly
meeting in Room C-2 of Med.
School, 7:30 P.M. Dr. Vaughan will
speak on kidney surgery.


Graduate Student Happy Hour at
5:00 in Grad. Lounge 59 West

Candlelight Christmas Concert by
the Glee Club at 8:30 in Cabell Hall


Action 70- Dynamic Christianity
Christmas Caroling and meeting
Sunday Dec. 13, 5:30 P.M. All
invited - Memorial Gym Parking
Lot for transportation.

VOLUNTEERS: Tutoring session
this Sat. at 10:10, Room 24 of
Cabell Hall.

To boys in 233 Tucker - I found
my contact lens. Thanks anyways!

The University Law Wives are
sponsoring an International Bazaar
Sat., Dec. 12, 9 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. in
Newcomb Hall. Gift items from
throughout the world will be sold.

Jefferson Society membership
interviews: afternoons 2-5, Thurs.
night, 7-10.

PHI ETA SIGMA - Impt. meeting -
Dec. 13, 8:00 P.M. in South
Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall.
Discuss formation of new 1st year
Honor Society.

What's all this brouhaha? 1705 JPA
Bagels and Lox Brunch, Sun. Dec.
13 at 10:15 A.M. followed by panel
discussion on "Israeli Perceptions
of American Jewish Youth",
295-4963 for reservations.

Questionnaires now available at
Thornton Hall, Cabell Hall,
Newcomb Hall Peabody Hall Law
School, Medical School.

Who are you, Daniel Carter Beard?

At the Prism Friday, Tim Oksman -
classical guitar and Chris Corm
cont. folk music. Sat. — Mark
Stadler of the Folk Ghetto- Cover
50 cents doors open 8:00, open
Wed. Free.

The Professor of Military Science
will discuss the AROTC 2-year
program with interested persons.
Call 924-3381 for appointments.

Student Night TONIGHT: —
Spectrum East — All students
admitted free — Top rock band

Anyone interested in working at
the Ski Swap. Sat. Dec. 12 for any
length of time please call the Union
office. 924-3286.

ENGINEERS: Vote Trigon Jim
Rinc, Student Council; Jim
Wasley and Andy Hook, Judiciary

PREGNANT: For comprehensive
abortion information and help
setting things up, call Barbara at
293-2924 - 49 West Range.


IM FOOTBALL No. 139 near
parking lot - 7 Day Jr. Food Store
on Maury Ave. CH 295-951

Men's wristwatch. Heibros kindiver
model - lot in area of Grill. Steve -
233 Dunnington.

Two notebooks with notes for five
subjects need desperately! If found,
call Bill Chorey at 296-453.


Holy Cross College ring in vicinity
of Scott Stadium Parking Lot. Call

Found near JWII - girl's wristwatch
(gold) with black band. Call
293-7968, ask Maynard.

your wallet. See secretary, 5th floor
Newcomb, CD office.