University of Virginia Library


Third person wanted to occupy
newly-acquired two bedroom apt.
one block from int. Rts. 29-250.
105 Crep Rd. Apt. A Come by
5-8 evenings. $55.00 per month.

ROOMMATE wanted. Woodrow
apartments. Rent, incidental,
approximately $50, a month. Call

ROOMMATE Wanted to share
4-Man apt. at 129 Chancellor St.
Rent $41.25 per month, including
utilities. Large living room,
kitchen, bar, 2 bedrooms; inquire
at Apt. 1.

Preferably jazz influenced. Good
money. Must be able to travel
973-5058 or 296-9323.

WANTED: Student to work part
time in gas station, no garage. Bill
or Jim at 295-2717.

WANTED Secretary for Oct. 5-9,
Apply Corks and Curis, Office. No
experience necessary.