University of Virginia Library

Lecture At Georgia

Sponsored by the American
Medical Association, Dr. Owen's
next lecture will be tomorrow at
the University of Georgia.

Another paradox, he says, is
that although obese persons eat
greater than normal amounts of
food, they rarely eat from a feeling
of hunger.

Still another paradox is that
obesity in this country occurs more
often in the lower socio-economic

The poor don't try to live up to
the American ideal of slenderness.
They can't afford the right foods,
and those with large families
probably never plan a nutritious
meal, but let each family member
fend for himself, Dr. Owen says.

A fourth paradox, he says, is
that the more weight one loses, the
greater is his tendency to regain. No
one knows the reason for this, but
it may relate to tissue fat-storing
tendencies established early in life,
Dr. Owen says.