University of Virginia Library


Secretary-Bookkeeper. Full-time
permanent position, for
nine-month school year. All University
Holidays. Excellent pay.
Send resume to Box 216X, c/o
The Cavalier Daily, University of

Wanted: male roommate to
share 3-room apartment. $50 a
month. Dial 293-3525, after 6 p.m.

Ride to Syracuse, N.Y. Friday,
December 8. Call Pete Usher, 2935001.

Want Student to drive car back
to Charlottesville from Hartford,
Conn. area after Christmas holidays.
073-3174, after 6 p.m.

Riders wanted in traveling to
Madison, Wisconsin via interstate
80 and 90. Leaving December 22.
Will take to Cleveland,
Chicago or Milwaukee. Call Danny
Jergenson, 296-4254.