University of Virginia Library

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The Special Committee on the Library looking forward to the construction of a Special Collection and Rare Books Library from private funds recommended to the Board the following resolution which was adopted:

  • WHEREAS the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia recognizes that financial support from private sources has long provided "the margin of excellence" so essential to maintaining this institution's place in the front ranks of American universities; and,
  • WHEREAS in an effort to increase support from all private sources the University has established an Office of Development to conduct a University-wide development program; and,
  • WHEREAS the Board of Visitors requested the President of the University to establish specific guidelines for fund raising and authorized the creation of a Development Council of the University of Virginia to provide strong volunteer leadership for the University's total effort to secure private support; and,
  • WHEREAS in accordance with the fund-raising guidelines now established and after a review of those University-wide proposals requiring private funding, the University Development Steering Committee has recommended to the President that first priority be given to the development of a plan and program to expand central library facilities, including a facility for special collections and rare books and an undergraduate and reading library; and,
  • WHEREAS the University Development Steering Committee and the Library Committee of the Board of Visitors have recommended further that appropriate plans be developed for a program to obtain the funds necessary for the planning, design, and construction of these library facilities; and
  • WHEREAS the President of the University has concurred in these recommendations and has presented them to the Board of Visitors with his enthusiastic endorsement; and
  • WHEREAS the President has secured a commitment of planning money for the library facilities up to $100,000 from the Alumni Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund, and has, with the approval of the Board of Visitors, submitted a request to the Governor for an appropriation for construction of the undergraduate library in the University's capital outlay budget for 1974-76; and,
  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the funds for the Special Collections and Rare Books Library be sought from other than state sources and that in order to reach the University's full potential of private support for library facilities, the Rector appoint Mr. C. Waller Barrett to serve as Chairman of the Development Council of the University of Virginia;
  • BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that the Office of University Development provide full assistance to Mr. Barrett in establishing a plan for raising private funds for the Special Collections and Rare Books Library, using outside consultant services, if necessary, and in recommending membership for the Development Council, to be appointed by the Rector and Visitors at its June 1973 meeting. The Development Council shall serve as the volunteer leadership for the total program to solicit private funds for the expansion of the library facilities and other future projects approved by the Board of Visitors.