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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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For the relation to the philosophical background in
Germany: F. A. Lange, Geschichte des Materialismus...,
2 vols. (1865-66), trans. E. C. Thomas as The History of
..., 3rd ed. (London, 1925). For the pre-
Darwinians: Charles C. Gillispie, Genesis and Geology
(Cambridge, Mass., 1951); R. Hooykaas, Natural Law and
Divine Miracle: The Principle of Uniformity in Geology,
Biology and Theology
(Leyden, 1963); for Chambers: M.
Millhauser, Just Before Darwin (Middletown, Conn., 1959).
For Darwin and the Darwinians: Darwin's Autobiography,
ed. N. Barlow (London, 1958); A. Ellegård, Darwin and the
General Reader
(Göteborg, 1958); G. de Beer, Charles
(London, 1963); W. Irvine, Apes, Angels and
(London, 1955); G. Himmelfarb, Darwin and the
Darwinian Revolution
(London, 1959); A. H. Dupree, Asa
(Cambridge, Mass., 1959); H. C. Bibby, T. H. Huxley
(London, 1959); W. B. Turrill, J. D. Hooker (London, 1964);
A. S. Eve and C. H. Creasey, Life and Work of John Tyndall
(London, 1945); E. Lurie, Louis Agassiz: A Life in Science
(Chicago, 1960). For the historical aspect: D. H. Fleming,
J. W. Draper and the Religion of Science (Philadelphia,
1950); A. D. White, Autobiography (London, 1905). In gen-
eral: Owen Chadwick, The Victorian Church Part Two (Lon-
don and New York, 1970).


[See also Agnosticism; Christianity in History; Creation;
Evolutionism; Primitivism.]