University of Virginia Library


Summer Sublet. Wanted – one
roommate for charming, spatious
apt. in large quaint house. Own
room, un porch, modern facilities,
unique floor plan. Rent. $2.50.
Phone 77-3368. *(4070)

Help for yard and stable work Full
or part time to work thru summer.
Call 293-6755 after 6:00 p.m.

Wanted: female roommate to share
2 bedroom apt. at U. Heights for 1
June – 30 Aug. Own room.
$63/mo. Call 977-6126. *(4109)

Need summer roommates to share
apartment private bedrooms. Pool
AC. $55./mo. Hayes Gardens. Call
977-1649). *(4113)

Female Roommate wanted – June
1 – bargain, share apartment, own
room, $65 month, walking
distance. Call 293-3193. *(4114)

May 1 – Female roommate wanted.
Share furnished apartment, $55
month, walking distance. Call
293-3193. *(4114)

Needed to maintain relative sanity
A country place to live next year.
2-8 bedrooms. Michael 977-5248.

Roommates wanted: 2 students for
apartment for fall. Across from
E-School. $50/mon. 296-2374.

Wanted: Restoration Ball Tickets!
Will pay or do anything almost.
Chris Boyd 422 Dobie 977-4245.

Female desires single occupancy
room, board or apartment, starting
September 1973. Call Trammell,
977-1226. *(4124)

Roommate needed Fall semester.
Hayes Gardens Apartment, 65 mo.,
own room; includes electric; call
Gall, 977-7427. *(4137)

Opening: position available June 15
for Resident Manager of University
International Center. Applicants
should be graduate students,
preferably married, with experience
in working with persons of varied
cultural backgrounds. Duties
include supervision of Center,
coordination of program activities,
under direction of International
Student Office. Pleasant living
quarters at 21 University Circle and
small salary provided, hours
flexible. For further information
call Mrs. Hale, International
Student Adviser, ext 3102. *(4119)