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"Boarding out"

a tale of domestic life


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The Works of Charles Lamb. With his Letters, and
a Sketch of his Life. By Thomas Noon Talfourd. New
Edition. 2 vols. royal 12mo. Portrait. $2 00.

Charles Lamb is an old and valued friend to all true lovers of the beautiful,
the quaint, and the quiet of literature Let those who have no
read him, do so at once, but not hurry through the pages, expecting to
find excitement and incident in every paragraph. They must read as
one angles—placidly, lazily, and patiently, and they will not be disappointed.
Charles Lamb has justly been considered by some as the model
essayist: his pleasantry and true gentleness have rendered his productions
universal favourites. His delicious “Essays” are full of wisdom,
pregnant with genuine wit, abound in true pathos, and have a rich vein
of humour running through them all.—Hall.