University of Virginia Library


With a portion of the means supplied by the donation of Mr. Miller
there have been established in connection with the Agricultural Department
two scholarships, each of five hundred dollars per annum,
and tenable for two years (one to be filled and one vacated in each
year), to be competed for at a special examination upon the whole of
the subjects taught in the department, to be held near the close of each
session. Candidates for this examination to be already graduates in
the studies of the department. Scholars thus elected will be expected
to continue their studies during the term of their scholarships, and to
render such assistance in the minor duties of instruction, in the performance
of analyses and researches, as may be required of them. It
is hoped that thus the opportunity may be afforded the successful
competitors of becoming thoroughly competent in their chosen direction
of study, worthy of public confidence in regard to all the purposes
which their special knowledge may subserve, and that even during
their tenure of the scholarships in question they may be able to
render useful service in connection with agricultural experiments, the
examination and analysis of agricultural and other materials of general
interest. They will be subject to no charge for tuition in the schools
of the department during the two years, but will be expected to defray
the expense of material they may consume in the chemical laboratory.