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The Closet of Counsells

conteining The aduice of diuers wyse Philosophers, touchinge sundry morall matters, in Poesies, Preceptes, Prouerbes, and Parrables, translated, and collected out of diuers aucthors, into Englishe Verse: by Edmond Eluiden. Wherunto is anexed a pithy and pleasant discription of the abuses: and vanities of the vvorlde

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Or thus.

[Thou must determine so to liue]

Thou must determine so to liue
and thee for to behaue:


As euery night thou didst suppose
a bed to be thy graue.
It is thy duety so to guide
thy selfe in euery thing:
That al thy deedes may serue thy helth


and not delites to bring.


For it thou weigh the happy plight
thy nature doth adorne:
Thou shalt perceaue how fonde excesse
thy nature seemes to scorne.


But how, it measure doth esteme

which neyther doth suppresse
Thy natures health ne maintenance
but scornes as much excesse.
If therfore thou wouldst faine preserue
thy selfe and kepe thee cleane:
Thou must indeuour for to get
in euery thing the meane.
When thou beginnest any thing


remember in thy brayne

That death may visite thee before
the ende thou canst attayne.