University of Virginia Library


Sing, Zephyr, sing,
Shed from your dusky wing
The violets.
Make music with your golden frets—
Sing, Zephyr, sing!
Sigh, Zephyr, sigh!
Give passion to the sky!
The tawny south
Has no such odorous mouth—
Sigh, Zephyr, sigh!


Sue, Zephyr, sue!
Bring earth the sunny blue,
The pearly mist
With new-born love-fire kissed—
Sue, Zephyr, sue!
Sip, Zephyr, sip!
The primrose lends her lip,
The crocus thrills,
Love hides among the daffodils—
Sip, Zephyr, sip!
Seek, Zephyr, seek!
The vermeil of my lady's cheek!
So seeking, sipping, suing, sighing, singing,
While old Time his flight is winging,
Tell her to be
Most kind to me.