University of Virginia Library

Sec. 24. Same—Methods of bactericidal treatment.

One of the following methods must be used: Hot water or
chlorine chemicals. Utensils must be submerged in hot water at
170° F., or more, for at least two minutes, or submerged in a
chlorine solution containing not less than fifty parts per million
of residual chlorine for at least two minutes. (A solution containing
one hundred parts per million, or more, is recommended.)

The practice of drying eating and drinking utensils with a towel
shall not be permitted.

Provided, that nothing contained under this section shall be construed
as disbarring any other process which has been demonstrated


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as of at least equal efficiency and is approved by the health

The above requirements apply to manual dishwashing methods.
Where dishwashing machines are used, the operation of the machine,
temperature of wash and rinse waters, and retention period
of dishes in the machine, must meet the approval of the health