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The subject of this sketch has been Clerk of the City
Market for the past sixteen years and he has faithfully
discharged the duties of the office to the entire
satisfaction of the city
illustration government and the general
public. Robert
Emmett Coleman was
born in Roanoke
County, January 14th,
1860, and is a son of J.
D. and Martha J.
(Goodwin) Coleman and
his early education was
acquired in the schools
of Big Lick. He came
to Big Lick (now
Roanoke), in 1876, and
for years was identified
with a leading mercantile
here. He resigned
his position and went
with the Roanoke Railway
and Electric Company and remained with that
corporation until 1895, when he was elected Clerk of
the City Market. Mr. Coleman has been continuously
reölected ever since, and this alone demonstrates that
he is the right man for the place and that he has faithfully
discharged every duty imposed by the office.

He was married in 1895, to Miss Sallie B. Huffman,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huffman,
of Harrisonburg, Virginia. As a result of that union
they have a little daughter, Thurna Vivian, aged ten

Mr. Coleman is a charter member of the Roanoke
Lodge of Elks, and his friends are legion throughout this
city and section.

He resides on South Jefferson Street.