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Medulla Poetarum Romanorum

Or, the Most Beautiful and Instructive Passages of the Roman Poets. Being a Collection, (Disposed under proper Heads,) Of such Descriptions, Allusions, Comparisons, Characters, and Sentiments, as may best serve to shew the Religion, Learning, Politicks, Arts, Customs, Opinions, Manners, and Circumstances of the Antients. With Translations of the same in English Verse. By Mr. Henry Baker

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This fickle Wretch ne'er holds in the same Mind:
Sometimes his hasty Steps outstrip the Wind,
As if he fear'd some Enemy behind:
Now, with slow Pace he apes the solemn Priest,
Who in Procession walks to Juno's Feast:
His Equipage, now, counts two hundred Men,
And, now, the Number is reduc'd to ten:
Now, with grand Airs his Conversation rings,
Of nothing less than Governors and Kings:


Now, a clean Salt-Cellar is all his Wish,
And a small Table for one homely Dish;
And as to Cloths, however coarse and old,
They're good enough, if they keep out the Cold.—

Anon. Hor. Lib. I. Sat. 3.

What he was fond of, now he does reject,
And seeks what he but lately did neglect:
He wavers still, and flies from that to this,
And all his Life a Contradiction is.—

Creech. Hor. Lib. I. Sat. 1.