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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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Oft rosey lips my heart has taen
& throbbing bosoms lily dye
Ive often turnd to view again
& scarce coud pass wi out a sigh
But when the world was wider seen
These soon diminishd neath my care
As chance presented beautys queen
At the bull in[n] the maid of ware
Wi looks that always wore a smile
& dimpld cheeks of rosey hue
Wi eyes that might a saint beguile
She bustld in the coaches view
Of those behind theres some might think
Most worthy of their thoughts & care
But when I took the glass to drink
My bosoms health beat maid of ware
Drove off again still memorys eye
Behind in lingering mood delayd
& many a wishful look & sigh
Hung lingering round the waiting maid


Ah fare thee well love fare thee well
My last look may be musing there
To see thee more I cannot tell
Ah fare thee well sweet maid of ware
The feeling bosom best can tell
When passing beauties charm the eye
That weighty word of fare thee well
& its heart easing frend the sigh
To meet again ones partings sore
But this the hopful heart can bare
Compard to that to meet no more—
Adieu for ever maid of ware
Thou lovly lass Ill think on thee
When many miles & days apart
Then lovly lass thy name shall be
The sweetest part'ner of my heart
When love beholds a beauty cheek
& warms my soul to wander there
Thy form wi' memorys tongue shall speak
& boast the rival queen at ware
The feeling bosom best can feel
When passing beauties charm the eye
When just a glancing look we steal
& pass unknown for ever bye
Ah now Ive reached my native vale
Tho love of thees unlawful care
When ere I warm my cares wi ale
My bosoms health is maid of ware