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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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TO THE MOST HIGH AND PVISSENT Prince Charles by the Grace of God, the first of that name, and second Monarch of the whole Iland of Great Britaine.

HIS VNDOVBTED ROYALTIES BEING VNITED VNDER one and the same his most glorious Crowne, the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland; Gods Immediate Vice-Gerent; Supreme head of all Persons, and Defender of the true, ancient Christian Faith, in these his Empires and Dominions.

Most Mighty Monarch of this mourning Land,
Vpon the knees of my submissiue mind:
I begge acceptance at your Royall hand,
That my lamenting Muse may fauour finde.
My Gracious Master was so good, so kinde,
So iust, so much beloued neere and farre:
Which generally did Loue, and Duty binde
From all, and from me in particular.
But as your Maiesty vndoubted are,
The Heire vnto his Vertues and his Crowne:
I pray, that whether Heauen send Peace or Warre,
You likewise may inherit his Renowne.
And as Death strucke his Earthly Glory downe,
Left you in Maiesty, and mourning Chiefe:
Yet through the World apparantly 'tis knowne,
Your Sorrow is an vniuersall Griefe.
Let this recomfort then your Princely heart,
That in this Duty all men beares a part.
Your Maiesties most humble and obedient Subiect and Seruant: Iohn Taylor.