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The gentleman whose name captions this article was
born January 30th, 1874, in East Feliciana Parish,
Louisiana, and is a son of W. J. and Eleanor C. Kidd.
When quite a small boy
illustration his parents moved to
Memphis, where he
attended the public
schools of that city.
He came to Roanoke in
1890 and took up the
study of photography
shortly afterwards under
Harry V. Lineback.
Mr. Kidd opened up a
studio and began his
profession in an humble
manner and by keeping
abreast of the times in
his profession built up
up a fine trade and is
now regarded as one of
the leading photographers
of this city
and a leader in his profession throughout the State.
He now occupies handsome quarters at No. 21 Campbell
Avenue, West, where he is in command of a steadily
growing patronage. He does strictly high-grade work
on portraits and as an artist he has no peer in this
section of the State.

He was married in 1900 to Marguerite E. Richardson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Richardson, of
Suffolk, Virginia, and three children have come to
bless this union, Norwood R., Gordon H., and Reginald

Fraternally he is an Elk, a member of the I. O. O.
F., and Junior Order of United American Mechanics

Religiously he is a member of the Greene Memorial
Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

Mr. Kidd is the owner of the Grand Theater, one of
the leading motion picture houses of Roanoke.