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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XXXVI.

The Argument.

Here wycked mens delite,
Is paynted, what it is:
But blyndenes deepe in (open) sight,
In vertue whole remisse.

Dixit iniustus.


In mydst of euill mans hart,
Hys sinne hath blynd hym so:
Gods feare (all whole) is set a part,
From both hys eyes ago.


For he himselfe doth glose,
In hys bewitched eyes:
Tyll God his sinne (so foule) disclose
Most worthy hate to ryse.


Hys wordes of mouth be nought,
And kepes much guile in store:
To cease he biddeth hys (hart and) thought,
To worke by vertues lore.



Shrewd turnes in irefull mood,
He most in bed doth muse:
He hold on wayes not (truely) good,
No euill deede he refuseth.


Thy mercy Lord in heauen,
Yet ouer all doth spread:
Thy faythfull truth is (daily) seene,
The cloudes to reache in bread.


Thy iustice Lord we see,
As mountaynes ferme to rest:
Thy iudgements (hye O) secret bee,
Thou shalt saue man and beast.


How worthy Lord most iust,
Excelth thy grace benigne?
As Adams flocke shall (firmely) trust,
In fence of thy good wynge.


Of thy fat houshold store,
As drunken shall they bee:
And drinke (at neede) them shalt thou poure,
Of pleasures welles most free.


For thou hast well of lyfe,
With thee all health aboundth:
And Lord in thy bryght lyght so ryfe,
Of vs shall lyght be found.


O draw thy mercy neare,
To them which loue thee then:
And let thy grace (O Lord appeare,
To rightfull harted men.



And let no foote of pryde,
Approche me hawtely:
Nor wicked hand (in hate) beside,
To moue me wretchedly.


These workers vayne of euill,
In theyr owne turne be cast:
Repulse they haue in (croked) will.
From footyng be they past.