University of Virginia Library



Mid the profound repose
Of peace a call was heard;
And, like heaven's voice, arose
The thunder-winged word!
“Come forth each noble one;
Each brave man seize his brand;
And, patriot hearts, rush boldly on
For God and your own land!”


As comes the mighty tide,
Wave following fast on wave,
So marshalled, side by side,
Rushed on the island-brave.
And 'twas a glorious sight
That patriot host to see,
A firm, proud phalanx, in its might,
Go forth to victory.
One only banner spread
Above them to the breeze;
One banner, torn and red,
From former victories.
To the trumpet's thrilling clang
Those sons of freedom came;
And the grey and silent mountains rang
With the people's wild acclaim.


They cried “Ye brave, go forth,
God conquers by your sword;
We loved you on the hearth;
You pledged us at the board.
For you glows redder wine,
And a nobler feast is spread,
Who make each holy home a shrine
Where freedom's flame is fed.
“Your names, like names of old,
Shall rouse, as words of fire,
The fearful and the cold—
The warrior-heart inspire.
We all, a Christian band,
At one altar bent the knee;
And God will bare his red right hand,
For you in victory.”


No soldier spoke a word;
Thus was his answer given:—
One hand upon his sword,
The other raised to heaven.
A moment's death-like pause—
Then the gallant men moved on,
Amid the thunder of applause
And the shrill trumpet's tone.
They went in patriot might,
A faithful, valiant band,
Sworn to defend the right
Of God and their own land.
Like brethren firm they stood,
No man essayed to flee;
In the eye of Heaven their cause was good,
And theirs was the victory.