University of Virginia Library


Household Words

Words that bring back the glad and peaceful Hours,
That watched our frolics in the sun and shade,
When every wind seemed whispering to the Flowers,
Of lovelier worlds where lovelier children play'd,
Are household words.
Words that recall the feelings of our youth,
The garden where our names in emerald grew,
The truth we loved when fairy tales were truth,
When God and Goddess, Fay and Faun, were true,
Are household words.
The tiny words that grew from tiny acts,
The low love-language of the childish heart,
The stammer that interpreted strange facts,
Or strove some schoolboy legend to impart,
Are household words.


The names we drew from dell or mossy bower,
When Mab or Ariel for our sponsors stood,
Names haply borrowed from some Greek-called flower,
Or given in praise by Love when we were good,
Are household words.
Nor less the words our statelier years record,
By Fancy coined yet bearing Reason's stamp,
Words with which Wit has played, or Love adored,
Slaves of the Ring, or servants of the Lamp,
Are household words,
The words of men who clothe our thoughts with speech,
Gay proverb, sparkling phrase, or road-side song,
Words that like sunbeams through the darkness reach,
Crown lowly worth, or brand imperial wrong,
Are household words.
The words of men who walked in War's red ways,
Or spake their fireside thoughts to child or wife,
The simple words that dealing blame or praise,
Ring down the echoing avenues of life,
Are household words.
Glad words that breathe of sunshine and of morn,
Sweet words that on the wings of evening fly,
Kind words that greet the child when he is born,
And loving words that bless us when we die,
Are household words.