University of Virginia Library



“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”—Ps. xxxvii. 7.

Rest in the Lord; rest, weary heart,
With sin and sorrow worn,
And conscience rankling with the smart
Of pitiless self-scorn:
Oh, counting all beside but loss,
Climb Calvary's lowly hill,
And there beneath the bleeding cross
Rest, and be still.
Rest in the Lord: what time the storm
Around thy pathway raves,
Behold His calm majestic Form
Serenely walks the waves;


And hark! that tranquil voice is heard
Which winds and waves fulfil:
Oh, rest upon His changeless word,—
Rest, and be still.
Rest in the Lord: although the sands
Of life are running low,
Though clinging hearts and clasping hands
May not detain thee now:
His hand is on thee; death's alarms
Can never work thee ill:
Rest on His everlasting arms,—
Rest, and be still.
Rest in the Lord: no conflicts more,—
The latest labour done;
The weary strife for ever o'er,
The crown for ever won.
Beside the crystal stream, that flows
From Zion's heavenly hill,
Rest in eternal Love's repose,—
Rest, and be still.