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The songs and poems of Robert Tannahill

With biography, illustrations, and music

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Wi' waefu' heart and sorrowing e'e
I saw my Jamie sail awa';
Oh! 'twas a fatal day for me,
That day he passed the Berwick Law.
How joyless now seemed all behind!
I, lingering, strayed along the shore;
Dark boding fears hung on my mind
That I might never see him more.
That night came on with heavy rain,
Loud, fierce, and wild the tempest blew;
In mountains rolled the awful main:
Ah, hapless maid! my fears how true!
The landsmen heard their drowning cries,
The wreck was seen with dawning day;
My love was found, and now he lies
Low in the isle of gloomy May.
O boatman, kindly waft me o'er!
The caverned rock shall be my home;
'Twill ease my burdened heart to pour
Its sorrows o'er his grassy tomb;
With sweetest flowers I 'll deck his grave,
And tend them through the langsome year;
I 'll water them, ilk morn and eve,
With deepest sorrow's warmest tear.