University of Virginia Library



Over Saul and Jonathan.

Oh lament! for the beauty of Israel is slain,
And the mighty are fall'n in death on the plain!
Oh, tell not in Gath the sad, heart-rending, tale—
Let not Askelon know the dear loss we bewail!
Lest their daughters rejoice with loud songs and with mirth,
And our tears and our woe to their triumph give birth.
Ye mountains of Gilboa, no more let us view
Your summits, all sparkling with fresh fall'n dew!
No more let the rain on your meadows be shed,
No longer the altars for off'rings be spread;
For there was the shield of the mighty destroy'd,
That shield which so fiercely in fight was employ'd!
Alas! for there Saul's fatal death blow was giv'n,
As tho' he had ne'er been anointed of Heav'n!


From the arm of the strong—from the blood of the foe,
When shrunk the bold arrow from Jonathan's bow?
Where the battle rag'd loudest the bright sword of Saul,
Like lightning, in heaps made his enemies fall.
They were lovely and pleasant in life's short career,
And death has not sunder'd two bosoms so dear!
More swift than the wings of the eagle they flew,
And stronger than lions their courage we knew!
Ye daughters of Israel, lament over Saul,
His kindness—his gifts, to your mem'ry recal;
He deck'd your apparel with jewels and gold,
And gave the rich scarlet your limbs to enfold.
Oh! how are the mighty in battle laid low!
Oh Jonathan! for thee sincere is our woe!
My brother! my friend! and my tenderest care,
My love was more strong than for women we bear.
The mighty are fallen in battle afar,
And broken, and perish'd the weapons of war!