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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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The Ember Week.—First Collect.

“Guide and govern the minds of Thy servants, the Bishops and Pastors of Thy flock.” —Prayer Book.

Mysterious purchase of Almighty Blood!
Who, based on God's eternity, hast stood
Unchang'd in essence, since Emanuel's time,
High o'er all hate, by miracle sublime,—
We pray for Thee!
Church of the Lord! catholical and one,
Neither by Power, nor Policy begun,
No mere creation, framed by mortal will,
In sacramental might enduring still,—
We pray for Thee!
From everlasting in the Heart Divine
Bride of th' Incarnate! was Thine awful shrine;
Loved by The Trinity, Whose counsels gave
All which mankind can sanctify, or save,—
We pray for Thee!
Here, in this creedless world of Woe and sin
Tempted without, and sorely tried within,
Hated, yet fear'd, while faction, scorn, and strife
Blend and combine to counterwork Thy life,—
We pray for Thee!
Long may these Ember-fasts intensely prove
A perfect witness of primeval Love,
Whose dateless birth in Time's religious past
Hath round their claims a consecration cast,—
We pray for Thee!


Thy priested Applicants of purchased grace,
Stewards of Christ, who back their Office trace
E'en to The Lord, from Whom it first began,—
Priest of all priests, th' ordaining Son of Man!—
We pray for them!
Counsel and comfort, guardian-love, and light,
In the true meekness of anointed Might,
Heroic purity, and hallow'd power
To baffle Fiends in their most fearful hour,—
We pray for them!
And Ye! Successors by celestial law
To that Episcopate Apostles saw,
With links unbroken handing down the Chain
That binds the Present with the Past again,—
We pray for You!
Pastors for Christ! that on no impious head
The spell of consecrating Hands be shed,
But with all wisdom, faith, and watching care
Deacon and Priest may binding vows declare,—
We pray for You!
Guard them, and guide them, Bishop of all Souls!
Whose living Unction heart and will controls;
That, in the plenitude of each high gift,
The Church may ever Thy true Cross uplift,—
And pray for them!
Here, while our low-breathed Litanies ascend,
Enter the Veil, and with hosannahs blend
Which deepen round Thy saint-encircled Throne,
Pardon Thy people, who are called Thine Own,—
And pray for them!
Shelter'd, and screen'd within Christ's ancient Fold,
Still may Thy Pastors, Sheep and Lambs behold;
And that Chief Shepherd endless worship give
Who died on earth, that man in heaven might live,—
For this we pray!

Acts xx. 28.

Prov. viii. 23.

John xvii. 9.

Prov. xiv. 3.


The Ember Week.—Second Collect.

Replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and endue them with innocency of life.” —Prayer Book.

Wisdom divine, o'er-mast'ring mortal sin!—
Here is true Hist'ry, when our souls begin
In Providence, by faith unroll'd,
More than man's will to there behold;
And, while maintaining that our choice is free,
High o'er all human strife, discerns Theocracy.
Taught by that science which Thy Word illumes,
Thus can a Saint disperse those deepening glooms,
Which oft around Christ's home below
Have darken'd with mysterious woe,
And seem, to sense, as though Destruction came
To banish from the earth the Brightness of Thy name!
Oh! blessed thought, that with almighty spell,
Circles the Church His first-born prize so well,—
Head over all Things” is that Love
Incarnate, on God's Throne above,
Beneath Whose will Eternity and Time
In full subjection bow, to aid His Cause sublime!
Bestower of all gifts, supremely-good,
Hence on Thy promise hath for ages stood
Thine order'd Church, where Truth and Grace
Regenerate our fallen race,—
Above mutation, policy, and all
The Antichrists of earth “a sure progression” call!
And now, while Apostolic gifts descend
As Priest and Levite round the Altar bend,
Mysterious Unction, Love, and Light,
To guide and govern each aright,—
Communicate to them, O Christ! we pray,
And in each heart enshrine Thy Paraclete, to day.


In just gradation of a Threefold Line,
Are those pure Orders, faith reveres as Thine,
Which through successive links referr'd,
We backward trace to that high Word,
Firm as God's throne, and like His promise, true,—
“As Me the Father sent, mine Heralds, send I you!”
And thus, anointed Almoners for heaven!
To whom, by sacramental law, are given
Most awful Powers, for Christ to wield,
Albeit in simple rites conceal'd,—
Yours may the Everlasting Urim be,
And in consistent lives, may Love her Thummim see.
Replenish'd by heaven's radiant truth within,
And sanctified beyond prevailing sin,
Ambassadors! now speed ye forth
From east to west, and south and north,
In earthen vessels holding Treasures, far
Transcending jewell'd mines, which in creation are!
Grace is the master-gift of Love profound,
Peerless bestowal by the Godhead crown'd:—
Without it, each prophetic Gift
Will, Satan-like, the soul uplift;
And what in Pulpit noblest sermons preach,
The language of bad Life will sinfully unteach!
'Tis by a soul of purity and prayer
Lord of the Church! true Priests anointed are:
And, little heed such, where they hie,
If guarded by That sleepless Eye,
Within Whose beams of overwatching love
Saints are secure below, as Seraphin above.

Ps. lxxvi. 10.

John xiv. 23.

See Ordination Service.

Deut. xxxiii. 8.