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Sursum Corda

By F. W. Bourdillon

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Honour him—how?
What bays not his before
Can we bring now?
What one leaf left can more
Grace the dead brow
Than those the living wore?
Honour him—where?
All round the world his fame
Is full, where'er
Is known the English name.
Earth's robe of air
Thrills round her with acclaim.


Honour him—who?
Have not all nations done
What lips can do
To honour? called him one
Of the great few,
'Mid countless stars a sun?
Honour him—who?
We, this day, of his land,
'Mid whom he grew
To greatness, let us stand
The last to do,
As with a brother's hand.
Honour him—where?
Here, where the poets wait.
We feign them there
Astir, and contemplate
What greeting fair
They give to one so great.


Honour him—how?
HIM honouring, who espied
Man searching now
All gulfs most deep and wide,
And did allow
A Virgil for his guide.