University of Virginia Library


Into the hidden world I came,
Where human footsteps may not pass;
I saw the secret of the flame,
And heard the growing of the grass.


I studied at the root of things
The fountains and the fashionings,
Beyond this vision mortal;
I marked each process working by,
The magic and the mystery,
And oped the silent portal.
But at the bases of the years,
I found the well-spring was of tears.
In solemn chambers dim and deep
I tracked the wonder of all life,
And learned the treasure stored by sleep
Ere flowering into fruitful strife;
How song birds get their summer tune,
And roses steal the love of June
To turn it into glory;
And why the modest daisies blush,
Or rhythmic passion has a hush
Even in the heart's mid story.
But, under tempest and the toy,
I found the inmost note was joy.
I drew the dazzling veil aside
Which curtained Nature's region round,
I watched the grave's dark gates divide
And pushed for ever back its bound.
But as my search went farther on
Another light through shadow shone,
And blest my daring travel;
The mighty wheels that move the globe
And murmur in its rustling robe,
Had nothing now to ravel.
For sorrow seemed in gladness done,
And life and death were only one.