University of Virginia Library

Come then, dear Orr, the noisy town forsake,
With me a while these rural joys partake;
Forget your books, your pens, your studious cares,
Come, see the gifts that God for man prepares.
Here, as with me, at morn you range the wood,
Or headlong plunge amid the sparkling flood;
More vig'rous life your firmer limbs shall brace,
A ruddier glow shall wanton o'er your face;
A brighter glance re-animate your eye,
Each anxious thought, each fretting care shall fly.
For here, thro' glades, and ev'ry rustling grove,
Sweet peace and rosy health for ever rove!
For you my vines their clustering fruits suspend,
My pinks and roses blow but for my friend;
For him who joins with elegance and art,
The brightest talents to the warmest heart.