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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 38.

[O Lord we have a mighty Cause]

Joh. 2. 2. We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

[The First Part.]

O Lord we have a mighty Cause,
And still it does depend!
Ah! we have broke all God's just Laws,
VVilt thou our Souls befriend,
To take in hand our Cause to plead?
Thou art our Advocate;


VVe dare not, Lord, lift up our head,
Our Case for to relate.
But thou ally'd art to the Judge,
And for our Souls didst die;
The Merits of thy Blood may'st urge,
To thee we all do fly.
Thou legally art call'd to th'Barr,
And hast thy Father's Ear;
Alas we all so loathsom be,
VVe dare not there appear
In our own persons; he is just,
And we must guilty be;
We righteousness all therefore must
Have only, Lord, of thee.
Thou never didst miscarry yet
On what thou took'st in hand;
Our Enemies do thou defeat,
That sentence do demand.
Hast thou not paid our Debts, O Lord?
Read our Discharge we pray,
And that will comfort now afford,
And this most doubtful day;
Is not all paid? Can Justice see
Just ground for to deny
Our true Acquittance, Lord, in thee
VVho didst him satisfie?


The second Part.

Our Cause, Lord, thou didst undertake
Without the hopes of fee;
And this does us most chearful make,
We hope we now shall see
An end put to that bitter strife
Which has been long between
Our God and us; alas, our life
In jeopardy has been.
O blessed Lord, we do perceive
Our Cause it does go well;
For he who doth on thee believe,
Shall never go to Hell:
But he shall live eternally
In joy and happy bliss;
Our Advocate has won the day,
What love is like to this!
Thou in our stead was pleas'd to die,
Who Criminals all were,
The Law for us didst satisfie,
No errours can appear:
No superseding of our suit,
Our Foes can't it remove;
For thou as Judge in chief shalt sit
In the high Court above.


The Third Part.

There's no Appeal from that high Throne,
Our Cause being carried there;
If Conscience should bring Charges on,
Yet there we all stand clear.
For though sin does in us abide,
It in us shall not reign;
And we have Jesus on our side,
Who will wash us again.
But hear us once ogain; O Lord,
Shall we our pardon see,
And know that we are justify'd,
And peace have all with thee?
How sweetly then, Lord, shall we sing,
No cause have we to doubt;
Therefore we'll leave our Cause with thee,
And sing thy Praises out.
But O ye Saints take heed of sin;
But if that sin you do;
An Advocate with God there is,
Who pleads always for you.
And now poor Sinners will you fly
To him with care and speed?
This Advocate for you does plead,
Who for your Souls did bleed.


Though you no money have at all
To carry on the Suit;
Yet he will be your Advocate,
If to him you submit.