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Night wakens the tempest! the bark speeds away—
Scale the billow, fleet Elves! boldly dash in the spray!
When clouds veil the skies,
The gleam of your eyes
Tho' mild as the moonbeam is radiant as day.
Hoarsely scream the fell spirits! oh silence their quire!
Smoothe the wide-swelling surge! clothe the waters in fire!
Leave the mist-cover'd steep!
Hurry on to the deep!
Protect the swift pinnace till dangers retire!
“We hasten, fair chief!—the wind sinks at our strain:
“The storm disappears that o'ershadow'd the main:
“On the cliff, on the sand,
“In clusters we stand:
“We twinkle like stars on the sea's level plain!”


Tis well—wait the morn! when the sunny rays glow,
Should the nymphs lave their limbs let the tide gently flow;
Soft smiles from the fair
Rewarding your care,
While ye sport with the wave on their bosoms of snow!
Then wander the rocks, and explore every shell
Beneath whose pure roof pearly hues love to dwell;
Bring leafllets, bring flowers
From coralline bowers,
Bring gems of rich lustre to lighten my cell!
“We hear and obey—to thy banquet we fly:
“With gems of rich lustre we'll rival the sky,
“We'll bring thee bright flowers
“From coralline bowers,
“And carol thy praises till ocean reply!”