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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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To God the holy Ghost.

O Spirit Diuine, the cōmon knot whereby,
The father & the sonne do loue together:
For sonne and father vniuersally.
Are loue, though loue be proper vnto neither,


Thou that frō both Proceedest & from none:
Vnequally but with the like authority,
As from one principall, though from that one,
Principally yet without priority:
One all the first from two the last of three,
Sweete breath that ioyest euery pensiue heart,
Breathed from God, O God breath into me,
Skill aboue skill, and teach me how thou art
The last of three, and yet of three so cast,
As in them all is neither first nor last.