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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 6. De mensæ Iannarii quæ fuit an: do. 1595.

VVhen coldes & frosts, & snowes were wont to reigne,
As in their time of prime in Ianiuere.
Then calme and milde and pleasant was the yeare,
like to the spring which maketh all things feyne.
The little sparrowes these I sawe deceiue,
Which cherped merily and built their nest.
Pore birds, the frost will come when you think lest,


And you of pleasure sodainlye bereaue.
And this poore birds let me your errour rue;
But let the yeare deceiue no more then you.