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The poems of John Audelay

Edited with introduction, notes and glossary [by Ella Keats Whiting]

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De virgin[i]tate.

For the loue of a maydon fre
I haue me choson to chastite.
Blessid mot be oure heuen quene,
Fore vergyn and maydyn sheo was ful cleene;
Soche anoþer was neuer ȝer sene,
Þat so wel kept here virgynyte.
In word, in will, in dede, in thoȝt,
Here maydehood defowled sheo noȝt,
Þer-fore þe Lorde þat here hade wroght
Wolde be boron of hyr body.
To-fore alle maydenes to hyr He ches
Fore here clannes and here mekenes;
Fore mon soule heo schuld reles,
Euen fro þe fynd and his pouste.
Saynt Kateryn and Marget and Wynfred
Þat louyd ful wel here maydhed,
Þe sofird to smyte of here hede,
Fore defouled wold þai not be.


Þer-fore þai be in heuen blis
Where murþ and melode euer þer ys,
And soo shal all maydons, y-wys,
That kepon heore worder and here degre.
Þai foloun our lady with gret reuerens,
And don here seruys in here presens,
Fore aȝayns þe fynd þai made defense
With þe swerd of chastite.