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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath

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To a Painter limning a Curtezan.

Leave off fond Artist, can't your wanton eie
Glance on a pleasant face, but presently
You must go court her with your pencil, and
Thus spoil th'invention of a witty hand?
What need you paint her when the wicked Elfe,
Fearing no colours, daily paints her self?
What mean those naked dresses silks and lawn?
When shee's much fitter to be hang'd then drawn?
Wouldst thou expresse thy art and judgement? say
Wouldst thou be fam'd? I'l tel you; thus you may.
Paint me to life, a chast and virtuous Dame,
Whose spotless honour speaks her stil the same,
In whose smooth forehead let there be exprest
What Virgin thoughts she harbours in her breast!
Set forth her severall Graces! and her eie
Make to betray a cheerful modestie?
Her sober looks, and her aspect is free,
Let them both innocent and simple be!


Then in her cheeks express that blushing grace
Which Vestal vows have printed in her face!
Then let thy Phansie through her purer skin
Transparent make her chaster soul within!
When you have drawn this piece, then Painter see
You not expose it to each common eie
That cannot judge! to Lovers onely those,
And not to lustful eies this piece expose?