University of Virginia Library

Not far, through dark and unknown paths we had
Wander'd within those forrests, which unclad


By big windes of their summers beauteous dress
Naked, and trembling stood, ere fair success
Smiling upon our miseries did bring
Us to a chrystal stream, from whose cold spring,
With busie and laborious care, we saw
A feeble Hermite stooping down to draw
An earthen pot, whose empty wants supply'd
With liquid treasure, soon had satisfy'd
His thirsty hopes; who now returning by
A narrow path, which did directing lie
Through th' unfrequented desart, with the haste
Of doubtfull Travellers, in lands laid waste
By conquering foes, we follow till drawn near
To him whom innocence secur'd from fear,
Disburth'ning of his staff, he sits to rest
What was with age and labor both opprest.