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The Heroycall Epistles of the Learned Poet Publius Ouidius Naso, In Englishe Verse

set out and translated by George Turberuile ... with Aulus Sabinus Aunsweres to certaine of the same

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The Argument of the replie to the fift Epistle, entituled Paris to Oenone.

The lynes that Oenon sent
When Paris had perusde,
And saw thereby she ment
That she was quite refusde,
Of him that had conuayde from Greece
Faire Helena that passing peece:
He wrote in this effect,
And flat at first gan tell,
That when he did reiect
The Nymph, he did not well:
But therewithall he laide the blame
On Cupid that procurde the same.
He makes hir open showe,
How stately was the stroke,
Of blinded Cupids bow,
And how he brought to yoke
Both man and God, and did not let
To say that Destnies so had set.