University of Virginia Library

[O qm̄ mirabilia/good Lorde thy werkys been]

O qm̄ mirabilia/good Lorde thy werkys been
In punysshement of Synners by thy myght wondersly
As by olde storyes it is playnly seen
One synner the other hath correcte vtterly
As Aalizaunder/with Iulius/Pompey/and Tholomy

And many other which as thy scourgys were
To punysshe Synners and themselfe also dere
In lyke wyse nowe Reder if thou liste take hede
And wele reuolue in mynde this history
Of theyse .iii. Prynces and loke wele on theyr dede
Thou shalt conceyue that they dyd wyckydly
I meane Kynge Iohn̄/Phylyp/and Ottony
Which vnto Synne made them selfe so thrall
That of Pope Innocent they were accursyd all
Wherefore God sufferyd that one the other to greue
And warre and chase with dedlye hate and stryfe
Gladde that one the other to myscheue
Manassynge eche other with Spere/Swerde/and Knyfe
With cruell Batayll durynge theyr Synfull lyfe
Wherefore I maye conclude/in factis horum
That Multa sunt flagella peccatorum.