University of Virginia Library



[You that imbrace inchaunting Poesie]

You that imbrace inchaunting Poesie,
Be gratious to perplexed Coryns lines.
You that do feele loues proud authoritie,
Helpe me to sing my sighs and sad designes.
Chloris requite not faithful loue with scorne,
But as thou oughtest haue commiseration,
I haue ynough anatomized and torne
My hart, thereof to make a pure oblation.
Likewise consider how thy Coryne priseth
Thy parts aboue each absolute perfection,
How he of euery pretious thing deuiseth
To make thee soueraigne, grant me then affection.
Els thus I prise thee, Chloris is alone
More hard then gold, or pearle, or pretious stone.