University of Virginia Library

Sonetto. 22.

[My heart enthraul'd with mine owne desire]

My heart enthraul'd with mine owne desire,
Makes me to be, more then I dare to seeme,
For ielosie may kindle enuies fire,
To hazard that which strength cannot redeeme:
The fayrest rose, on statelyest stalke that growes,
Drawes a delight his odours sweete to smell,
Whose pricke sometime doth sting at later close,
Which makes suspect the wished sent t'expell.
Loue prickes my minde to gather fayrest flowers,
And feare forbids lest garden-keeper spie,
Whose ielosie raines downe vntimely showres,
And Argos-like doth loues repose discrie.
Thus doth thy fayre my secret glaunce detect,
For ielosie doth dayly breede suspect.