University of Virginia Library


Psal. 1

That mortall man most happie is & blest
quho in the uikkedis counsalis doth not ualk
nor yet in sinneris uayes dois stay & rest
nor sittis in seatis of skornfull men in talk
but contraire fixes his delicht
into iehouaise lau
& on his lau both day & nicht
to think is neuer slau.
he shall be lyke á pleasant plantid tree
upon á riuer side increassing tall
that yeildis hir frute in season deu ue see
quhose quayking leafe doth neuer fade nor fall
nou this is suirly for to say
that quhat he takis in hande
it shall uithoutin doubt alluaye
most prosperously stande.
but uikked men thay shall be nothing so
but as the chaffe quhich by the uynde is tost
thairfore thay shall not to that iudgement go
nor be in iust mennis numberis sinneris lost
for great iehoua cleirly knouis
the iust mennis uay upricht
but suire the uikkeddis uay that throuis
shall perish by his micht.