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Farewell, the wildly varied scene,
Thy peaceful heights o'erlook, Castine,
The joyful vessel heaves in sight;


Full in the brisk and buoyant gale,
To bear me hence her sunny sail
Is swelling snowy bright.
Fair are thy fields, and pure thy skies,
From tree to tree the robin flies,
And many a merry yellow bird
Prepares to weave the mossy nest,
While the soft joys that swell his breast
From every spray are heard.
Fair are thy walks in tenderest green
Of spring's first leaves bedecked, Castine,
The blossomed strawberry, wet with dew,
Spreads o'er the springing grass its wreaths,
Where all around the violet breathes,
Like distant mountains blue.
But the blue mount, the beauteous bay,
The rocky islet crowned with spray,
Or (objects ever dear to me)
Thou, lady, twining o'er thy bowers,
The pliant woodbine's embryo flowers,
To bless th' impatient bee.
While round thee plays thy cherub girl
Of azure eye and golden curl,
Waving in long, luxuriant flow,


And arm of dimply roundness where
Thou bidd'st with fond maternal care,
The coral bracelet glow.
As far remote in childhood's hour,
As memory possesses power,
The early thought confused to trace;
Young Fancy, in my bosom drew
(The sky supplied her pencil's hue)
Just such a form and face.
But neither objects such as these,
Nor, cool Castine, thy healthful breeze,
Nor warbling brooklet, whence I drew
The healing draught, can calm the heat,
That bids my fevered temples beat,
And wastes my heart—Adieu.

A stream strongly impregnated with iron.