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As the Fawn from the Leopard
Seeks safety in flight,
To the arms of thy shepherd
Fly swiftly to-night.
Let the song that thou hearest
Fall balmy, but low,
On the ear of my dearest,
Like rain upon snow.
Come—the morn is declining—
The pale stars are dim—
And the few that are shining
Will light us from him.
We will fly from thy father—
Though poor we may be,
I would choose it, love! rather
Than live without thee!
Then away with thy shepherd,
Thou lamb of the fold!
As the Fawn from the Leopard—
Who cares for his gold?
We are richer without it,
Than with it—Come, fly!
And, if any will doubt it—
Why—let them—Good bye!
New York, Aug. 20th, 1840.