University of Virginia Library

Seniors Are The Key

While talking with Smith,
the UNC coach, showed no
desire to articulate to the
degree Wooden did on his
philosophy beyond the realms
of the basketball court. He
tended to downplay his
demands that he makes to the
squad outside of the practice
floor. Rather, he looks more to
his seniors on the team to lead
the way and provide the
examples for the younger ball

When asked what he
thought the keys to Carolina's
perennial good moral and team
spirit, he pointed to the players
as a team to receive the due
credit. Additionally, while
discussion what discipline he
demanded of his teams, Smith
seemed to emphasize that he is
interested basically in on the
court activities. However, it is
also know that Smith will not
hesitate to sit down or suspend
a ball player he thinks is
hurting the team's morale and
unity as he did to Bill
Chamberlain early last season.

Thus, despite relative
personal freedom that the two
coaches allow their players to
express, the team members at
both schools must learn to
accept and play with the
discipline each coach stresses.
This discipline in turn results in
team unity that is unsurpassed
throughout the country. The
ensuing style of play has
become the subject of not only
admiration of fellow college
coaches but professionals as well.