University of Virginia Library


Wanted: rider to Birmingham or
nearby city on Tues. Nov. 23. Call
Bob Miller at 296-6507. :30-7:00
p.m. or after 11:30 p.m.

Needed: Ride to Charlotte. N.C.,
this Sat for WHO concert. Contact
Bill Baker, 322 Emmet. 295-697.

Wanted: Housing regulation size
refrigerator (approx) to buy now
please contact 295-0351.

Wanted-couple to be foster parents,
to 4 1/2 yr. old emotionally
disturbed boy. $60.00 per month
payment. Call Joe Miller, Madison
County social service. 948-5521.

Wanted for Dec. 1-Furnished
apartment near University for two
female graduate students call

Wanted: Experienced part time
bookkeeper for The Cavalier Daily
Offices. Must have knowledge of all
accounting procedures and double
entry bookkeeping. Salary
negotiable. For information call
924-33 or 924-3172 between the
hours of 12 and 4:00.

Office manager for credit union.
Requires intelligent, charming,
dependable, well-groomed person
who deals pleasantly with people,
shows enthusiasm and initiative,
and isn't overwhelmed by math. We
will train the right person. Some
college desirable. Apply in person
or write Sperry Marine Credit
Union. Route 29 North. Please do
not phone. Equal opportunity